
Imprint in accordance with §25 of the Media Act (owner, publisher and editor):

Almdudler Limonade A. & S. Klein GmbH & Co KG

Grinzinger Allee 16
A-1190 Wien

FN 242907 T
CEO: Mag. Gerhard Schilling

T: +43 (0)1 370 36 36-0

Imprint according to the Provider identification in accordance with Section 5 (1) ECG (service provider):

niceshops GmbH
Saaz 99
8341 Paldau
VAT Reg. No.: ATU63964918
Commercial register: FN302888z
Managing Director Roland Fink, Mag. Christoph Schreiner, Barbara Unterkofler


Tel.: +43 (0)1 370 36 36-0

Landesgericht fuer ZRS Graz
Trade regulations: Trade law (
Voluntary rules of conduct:

Our tax code in Great Britain: GB226389782

Account information for Great Britain:
Account holder:niceshops GmbH
Account number55441505
Sort code040075
Bank Name:Revolut Ltd
Bank Address:7 Westferry Circus, E14 4HD, London, Great Britain

Bezirkshauptmannschaft Südoststeiermark
Member of the trade division, the Chamber of Commerce of Styria.
Authority according to ECG: District Administration Feldbach. is an information and shopping platform.


On our website, you will find references (hyperlinks) to other pages on the internet. For these links, we have no influence on the design and content of these external sites. We, therefore, accept no responsibility for the content and design of these sites. This declaration applies to all external links displayed on our website.

Almdudler is a member of the niceshops group.

Legal Notice
Please find the link to the online dispute resolution platform, in accordance with the EU regulation relating to online dispute resolution in consumer matters here:

Extended Producer Responsibility

Details about the niceshops GmbH Unique Identification Number (UIN) in France:

  • Packaging: FR223591_01OTUG
  • Batteries and accumulators: FR041746_06M6YT